Downtown Burlington Parking
Are you planning to drive downtown to visit the Marketplace? Downtown Burlington offers three types of parking: garages, on-street parking, and off-street surface lots. Rates, directions, and details for parking in Burlington can be found at Park Burlington.
Parking Quick tips:
- The ParkMobile App makes it easy to pay for parking and extend your stay while on the go. Download the app to your smart device, and you can easily pay or extend your parking from your phone.
- Garages are gateless and operate solely through ParkMobile.
Sundays and holidays are FREE at all city-owned parking facilities in the downtown area. This includes all on-street parking, the Marketplace Garage, and the Downtown Garage.
Burlington has three garages that are right in our downtown:
Downtown Garage (entrances at 41 Cherry St., 60 College St., and Battery St.): The first two hours are FREE, but you must start a parking session on ParkMobile to check in.
Marketplace Garage (entrances at 147 Cherry St. and Bank St.)
Courthouse Plaza (entrance at 179 South Winooski Ave): Currently managed & enforced by the City.
Handicapped parking is free at all meters and municipal garages for 24 hours with the proper display of a placard or plate.
Overnight parking is allowed at the Downtown Garage for up to two weeks.
While at ParkBurlington.com, be sure to check out the interactive map! It’s a great way to plan your trip to town, whether you’re going to the waterfront or Church Street. Just type in your destination and immediately see what parking options are within a short walk.

Employees Park for Free
If you run a restaurant or retail business and employ service workers, they could be eligible for free employee parking at the Downtown Garage! Email parkingservices@burlingtonvt.gov
for eligibility/availability.
Monthly Parking Permits
Monthly parking permits are available at the Downtown Garage and in some lots. There is typically plenty of availability at the Downtown Garage, but long waiting lists for the lots. No monthly permits are available at the Marketplace Garage. Email parkingservices@burlingtonvt.gov
for more information.
Customer Parking Validation
Do you want to pay for your customers’ parking? The City can offer a wide variety of validation styles based on your needs and the type of customers you have. Please contact parkingservices@burlingtonvt.gov, and we can work with you to set up the right validation for your needs.