Marketplace Regulations
Use of Non-Motorized Vehicles
E.g. Bicycles, Skateboards, Rollerblades, etc.
Article 27-18: "It shall be unlawful and shall be a trespass for any person to operate any non-motorized vehicle upon any sidewalk or within any public parking facility in the City Center (bounded by the centerlines of Pearl Street, South Winooski Avenue, Main Street, and St. Paul Street), within City Hall Park, or upon the streets and sidewalks within the Church Street Marketplace District.”
Consumption of Drugs and Alcohol
Article 21-38 "Notwithstanding other laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations, the following activities are prohibited within the Church Street Marketplace District and may result in a no trespass order authorized under this section.
(1) Possession of open or opened intoxicating liquor as defined by 23 V.S.A. § 1200(4), except as permitted pursuant to a valid liquor license and/or an outdoor
(2) consumption permit for properly organized and supervised activities or events held within the limits of the Church Street Marketplace District;
Possession of a regulated drug as defined in 18 V.S.A. § 4201(29)."
(1) "Tobacco products" and "Tobacco substitute" shall have the meanings given in 7 V.S.A. § 1001.
2) "Smoking" shall mean possession of lighted tobacco products or possession and use of tobacco substitutes.
Article 17-8: "Smoking shall be prohibited outdoors in the Church Street Marketplace District which includes all of Church Street and the properties which have frontage thereon, bounded on the north by the northernmost property line of properties bounded by Church and Pearl Streets, and bounded on the south by the southernmost property lines of properties at the northern corners of the Church and Main Street intersection, and more precisely shown on a plan entitled "Church Street Marketplace District" recorded with the chief administrative officer of the City of Burlington on June 27, 1979."
9-Foot Pedestrian Right of Way
Article 27-20: "An area of nine (9) feet on each side of the Church Street Marketplace is hereby established as a pedestrian way. This area shall be used exclusively for pedestrian passage. For purposes of this section, the use of wheelchairs and motorized carts by disabled citizens shall be considered pedestrian use. The pedestrian way shall extend nine (9) feet out from the building. The Church Street Marketplace, for purposes of this section, shall be defined as Church Street from Main Street to Pearl Street and shall also extend into the alleyway from Church Street to the Marketplace parking garage."
Posters and Flyers
Article 7.1.4 "No person shall paint, paste, brand, stamp, or in any other manner hang, place on or over, or attach to any tree, rock or other natural feature, or any utility pole, street light, transformer, hydrant, bench, or any similar object or surface, any advertisement, bill, notice, card, sign, or poster for any purpose unless as permitted by this article or otherwise installed by or at the direction of the department of public works or the Burlington electric department."
Amplified Sound
Entertainers may not use amplified sound. Entertainers using brass instruments and saxophones must mute them. Performers must reduce the level of sound or mute their instruments upon request by authorized personnel or Burlington Police. If they do not comply, their license will be revoked.
Busking and Street Performing
Within the Marketplace, no person shall play any musical instrument or perform other entertainment such as dance or mime for remuneration unless duly licensed as provided herein by the Church Street Marketplace.
Street Entertainer Regulations
Apply to Perform on the Marketplace
Vending on the Marketplace
Article 23-15: "Certificate required. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of peddler as defined in section 23-2 of this Code within the area coming under the jurisdiction of the Church Street Marketplace District Commission as defined in section 322 of the Burlington City Charter without first obtaining a certificate therefor as herein provided.*"
Tabling on the Marketplace
Persons wishing to set up a booth or stand for noncommercial purposes under this section shall apply with the Church Street Marketplace. No table may be set up without the approval of the application by the Marketplace and issuance of a license.
Apply to Table as a Non-Profit
For Marketplace Merchants - Tents and Cafe Space
Article 23-15: "A marketplace merchant may receive a certificate to transact business on the public right-of-way in an area and for a maximum number of days which shall be determined by the commission on or before June thirtieth of each year for the ensuing fiscal year commencing July first. The fee, method of application, and design requirement for stands or carts shall also be determined annually by the commission."
For Marketplace Merchants - Sandwich Boards
Walking sandwich board signs. Walking sandwich board signs are permitted subject to the review and written consent of the Church Street Marketplace District Commission, which may charge permit fees for such signs. Such signs shall satisfy the following requirements:
- No sign shall exceed six (6) square feet on any face;
- No sign shall have more than two (2) faces;
- The sign’s lower edge shall not extend below the knee level of the person wearing the sign.